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Welcome to Aly & AJ Russia Lyrics Center, a part of the site Aly & AJ Russia, dedicated to the talented sisters, Alyson and Amanda Michalka and their duo, Aly & AJ. Here, you can find all the lyrics for the songs performed by the sisters, including their own albums, covers, soundtracks, and many others. Thank you so much for visiting Aly & AJ Russia Lyrics Center and do not forget to check our main site and accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Home Silver Deliverer (2025)
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Silver Deliverer is the upcoming 6th studio album by sister duo Aly & AJ, set to be released in 2025.
Released: ??, 2025
Genre: Pop
Label: Aly & AJ Music
Producers: Jonathan Wilson
Writers: Aly Michalka, AJ Michalka, Gary Harrison, James McAlister & Matraca Berg
Views: 7
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1. Sirens Single YouTube Music Video